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Everything you perceive in the exterior world is a reflection of what's going on within you energetically. When you do the work from within, everything in your life begins to shift and your path to experiencing abundance becomes illuminated.


You're a completely unique being and your own information is the best medicine for your soul. You are yourselves best healer and the creator of your life!  Everything you seek is rooted deep within your soul and you have the ability to nurture your heart's desires into full blossom and create a life that supports the truth of who you are. 


It's my honor to guide you through your next cycle of transformation by helping you release anything that's getting in the way of you aligning with your inherent divinity. I'm here to help you harness your inner strength, deepen your connection to spirit and remember how powerful you are. Together we will uncover the hidden blessings that lie in every obstacle and use them as fuel for your transformation. 


Private Mentorship

My Personalized mentorship is a blend of Intuitive Counseling, Psychic Readings and Intuitive Energy healings. This intimate container is designed to support you on an emotional, energetic and physical level through your next cycle of transformation. 


Together we will uncover the hidden blessings that lie in every obstacle and use them as fuel for your transformation. I'm here to help you harness your inner strength, deepen your connection to spirit and remember how powerful you are. Everything you seek is within you and when you do the work from within, everything begins to shift & your path the experiencing abundance becomes illuminated.  It's my honor to hold & support you through the tunnel, as you undergo a transformation and align with your greater purpose.


What's Included: Bi weekly sessions over the course of  6-12 months + ongoing Voxer support in-between sessions.



  •  Learn how to manifest from a clear & grounded space

  •  Nurture every part of your being & connect to the truth of your soul

  • Discover your true purpose

  • Create a life that supports the truth of who you are

  • Learn daily sacred rituals

  • Replenish yourself through the power of your own life force energy 

  • Harness your own creative power

  • Cultivate inner strength

  • Awaken the healer within you & develop your intuitive gifts

  • Alchemize pain & fear into love and greater meaning

  • Create a sanctuary within yourself

  • Discover the gifts that reside in every obstacle & use them as fuel for your transformation 

  • Clear energetic blockages 

  • Release emotional & physical pain

  • Cleanse the  layers of the aura

  • Reset the chakra system

  • Receive guidance and messages from crossed over ones & spirit guides

  • Read past lives

  • Remove energy cords & attachments


Sacred Space Consultations


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